
How to Treat Eczema on Face and Scalp

Eczema is a skin condition that is very painful and itchy. Around 10% to 20% of infants and about 3% of adults and children have this skin condition in the US. However, it has no cure at all. But, proper treatments can relieve the pain and itchiness. Now, make sure to avoid stress and chemical products, eat healthy foods, and wash affected areas with warm water, not hot.

Some Natural Remedies to Treat Eczema on Face and Scalp

Natural remedies can be an excellent solution for your eczema. Applying these will reduce your burning and itchiness:

  • Colloidal Oatmeal – It is made from finely-ground oats. It helps people to calm and soften inflamed skin. It is available in powder and creams in both forms. To use it, add the powder to lukewarm bathwater and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. It will help soften rough skin and relieve itching. After a bath, pat your skin dry and apply a thick layer of hypoallergenic moisturizer.
  • Coconut Oil – It may be used as a natural moisturizer. According to the National Eczema Association, coconut oils have antibacterial abilities that can reduce staph bacteria on the skin and helps to prevent infection.Visit Here: forexrenkocharts

Tips to Treat Eczema on Face and Scalp

Eczema on the face as well as on the scalp is quite painful and itchy. Now, following these tips might help you to treat those:

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  • Take Advice from a Dermatologist – If your condition is worse, then you should visit a dermatologist. They are professionals, so they have a better understanding than you and me. If needed, they will prescribe medicine for your face and scalp eczema.
  • Figure out the Cause – Do deep research and figure out what is the reason for your eczema. It can be an allergy if you have it. So, go and test whether you have or not. On the other hand, eating habits can also be a reason. According to the Eczema Association of Australia, certain foods and alcohol can cause eczema. Besides, too much stress can trigger it as well.
  • Use Cold Compress – Many people find relief from eczema by using a cold compress on the affected area. So, it would be a good option to use cool water, cool washcloths, and cold compress to get rid of burning and itchiness.
  • Wash Your Face Carefully – Always remember to wash your face and scalp gently, especially the affected areas. After washing, just pat the skin gently. Don’t rub at all, because that could make the situation worse. If you have sensitive skin, then make sure to use a moisturizer after washing your face.
  • Keep Fingernails Short – Skin eczema is quite itchy. So, to avoid itchiness, always keep your fingernails shorts. That is because itching on the affected areas will make it harder to heal.
  • Avoid Rough Materials – Don’t use those materials which are rough on your skin. Materials like a woolen scarf can irritate your neck and face. Instead, use soft and 100% cotton materials, which are gentle on your skin.

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I hope these home remedies and tips would relieve your pain and itchiness. Follow these tips as I described them to get the best results. If your condition doesn’t improve, then consult with a dermatologist.

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