
Effective Ecommerce Digital Marketing Strategies

Due to low entry barriers for e-commerce in digital marketing, new companies are springing up almost daily. Therefore, only those who go the extra mile with their customers would beat out the competition. Going that extra mile would convert first-time buyers into repeat customers and make them brand evangelists. Are you looking for simple, effective digital marketing strategies for your e-commerce business? If so, you are in the right place. This article discusses four marketing strategies for e-commerce startups.

  1. Use Retargeting

This digital marketing strategy for e-commerce uses web analytics software that tracks your movements and clicks online through cookies or pixels. Ecommerce companies do this to assess your online interests to provide the right ads.

Since these ads display your interests, you’re more likely to click on them and make a purchase. It’s similar to using paid ads on social media, but this is more like a second round of advertisements that follows up with web users that positively responded to a company’s previous campaign. You can integrate retargeting into your marketing mix by following up on previous ad campaigns and giving customers incentives when returning to a previously visited page.

  1. Write A Press Release

The press release – or press information – is probably the most well-known and widespread marketing tactic. It informs journalists, the media, and the public about specific topics, products, or services. Every press release is different but follows certain rules. A press release must always be individually adapted to the topic and target group. You also need to decide on how the readers should be addressed, whether technical terms can be used, or whether the text should be kept more general. For more information, here’s a guide on how to write a successful press release.

  1. Try Brand Collaborations

Brand collaborations are one of the most common marketing strategies for e-commerce startups. Many companies realize that high competition in the same industry makes it increasingly difficult to bring in customers. So collaborating on a particular project among a shared customer base yields greater profits in the long run.

That being said, it’s important to note that brand collaborations don’t occur between competitors but with brands that can complement each other. This digital marketing strategy works best for e-commerce startups because if the customer already loves a laptop brand and is looking for a good set of headphones, they would be more inclined to purchase your headphones due to the laptop brand’s recommendation.

  1. Don’t Forget Abandoned Cart Follow Ups

Abandoned carts are due to many factors such as slow loading time, complicated checkout process, or confusing UX design. When this happens, it’s always good practice to follow up on customers by using abandoned cart emails. This is when your brand needs to get creative to convince the customer to revisit their cart and complete the transaction.

You can include helpful information in short stories or use incentives like free shipping to whet the customer’s appetite. Sometimes the customer abandons the cart because the product wasn’t the right one. You can then recommend similar products closer to what the customer was looking for.

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