
7 Reasons to Go Vegan in the New Year

Veganism is growing in popularity all the time, with more and more of us looking to reduce our carbon footprints and improve our diets. Every January, people sign up to try Veganuary, often to kick-start a permanent change, and even the people that go back to eating meat once the challenge is complete make the switch to a more flexitarian style, eating less meat and trying to eat a more plant-based diet. If you are considering veganism, here are seven fantastic reasons to give it a go in the New Year.

It’s a Great Time to Do It

The growth in the popularity of Veganuary means that more and more stores and restaurants are running marketing campaigns and special offers during the month. Many also launch new plant-based menus, vegan foods, and other meat-free options. This makes it the perfect time to learn more about living as a vegan and how tasty it can be.

A Vegan Diet is Great for the Environment

Eating a vegan diet is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and do your bit to reduce the effects of climate change. Meat production is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, causes of global deforestation, and eating less meat is great for the environment.

You’ll Eat a Wider Range of Flavors

When we eat meat, the meat is typically the hero of any meal that it’s in. It gets all the attention and often means that we don’t notice the other flavors as much. When meals are plant-based, the flavors of the sauces and textures of the vegetables are much more important. This can make meals far more enjoyable. It also means that our meals have different textures, and lots of colors, to treat other senses.

You’ll Be More Adventurous

When you take the meat out of the equation, you have to think more carefully about your diet, to make sure you are still getting lots of protein, iron, and other essential nutrients, and to make sure your diet doesn’t start to revolve around the same meals. This can mean that you try different meals and ingredients and are more adventurous with what you eat.

Your Diet Will Be Healthier

As a vegan, you are bound to eat more fruit and vegetables, which can help you to be healthier.

But It’s Not All Health Food

Years ago, we often thought of a vegan diet as bland, boring, and filled with fruit and vegetables. While it’s true that vegans are more likely to eat a wider range of healthy options, it’s not true to say that there aren’t any tasty vegan treats. Nowadays there are fantastic vegan chocolates, cheesecakes, and other puddings and comfort food vegetarian style. There are great vegan restaurants, and plenty of less healthy options when you fancy some comfort or a sweet treat.

A Big Mood Boost

Eating more fruit and vegetables and a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can mean that you feel more alert and energetic, boosting your mood as well as your health.

There are so many benefits to following a vegan diet, or even to reducing your meat consumption and following a plant-based diet. These include benefits to your mental and physical health, the environment, and of course, the animals that you might love so much. If you are tempted, Veganuary is a fantastic time to start.

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